Themes i18n

In comparison to the regular pages when developing a Theme it's more common to have translation strings that are consistent accross the website, ex. navigation items, as it would be very unproductive translating each common string individually accross the website pages. For that reason translation file references can be used when accessing strings:


For example consider there is a locales/en/navigation/header.json file which content is:

  "menu-item-home": {
    "description": "Header Navigation Name",
    "message": "Home"
  "menu-item-news": {
    "description": "Header Navigation Name",
    "message": "News"
  "menu-item-docs": {
    "description": "Header Navigation Name",
    "message": "Documentation"

And also translation file located in locales/ru/navigation/header.json:

  "menu-item-home": {
    "description": "Header manu item",
    "message": "Главное"
  "menu-item-news": {
    "description": "Header manu item",
    "message": "Новости"
  "menu-item-docs": {
    "description": "Header manu item",
    "message": "Документация"

In order to access the strings in the files above, you can use translation file references:


so the example above will be converted for en locale into:


And for the ru locale into:
