Generating static content
cmints --static
By running command above your static website should be ready and located in the
directory, you can copy the content of the directory to any
static hosting of your choice, but you can also use the advantage of the
existing tools and deployment integrations in the CMintS to make that
much more simpler.
Github pages
GitHub Pages is a static site hosting service designed to host project pages directly from a GitHub repository. You can host CMintS projects for free in the GitHub Pages, by simply running the command below, considering that you are using GitHub as your git hosting:
cmints --static --deploy
Other git based hostings
The command in the Github pages section, deploys to the gh-pages
branch. If you would like to push to another branch of the git
repository(not neceseraly Github repository) you can do so by
specifying the deployment branch in the configuration file, as
shown in the example below:
const deployment =
where: "git",
branch: "deployment-branch"
module.exports = {deployment};
Netlify provides Git-triggered continuous integration deployment hosting, that means it can build and make your website accessible each time your push changes to the repository.
There are several ways you can use Netlify:
Continuous Deployment
Navigate to the start page, connect to your Git hosting provider and choose a CMintS project repository.
Use options below in the building options page:
- Branch to deploy - specify the project build branch usually it's the
branch. - Build command -
cmints --static
(Static site generation). - Publish directory -
(Default project output directory of CMintS)
Netlify’s command line interface lets you deploy sites or configure continuous deployment straight from the command line.
Deploy to Netlify Button
The “Deploy to Netlify” button helps users deploy sites from templates with one single click. It provides web developers a simple one-click step to let their users deploy those applications on Netlify.